Sevco's Title Challenge Isn't Over... There Never Was One In The First Place
I hate writing about The Rangers! There, I've said it and it won't be mentioned again because there is nothing worse than having to listen to those patronizing fans and their delusions about it being all about them. What they don't seem to grasp is that for us Celtic fans, their current state is the most beautiful Karma ever imagined. Suffering through their domination in the 90's was enough to test any man's belief in the existence of God. True to form though, the big man finally turned up and showed the studs to that mob.... BIG TIME!!! Their demise was beautiful, and we will never tire of gloating at their downfall. Unfortunately those who aided and abetted the old club are still at large. Free to inflict more damage on the Scottish game than they already have. Thankfully there are already a number of good Celtic men who have dedicated their careers to exposing the cheating and corruption. These people are the real experts but what I want to talk about in this article is this "Going for 55" patter!
Tonight Sevco lost at Tynecastle and few were surprised by the result, all except of course the Sevco fans themselves who are howling at the moon about failed title challenges, missing magic hats and formations that don't seem to be working. They just don't get it do they? Changing the manager will make no difference, neither will changing the formation because Mark Warburton has fallen victim to the same affliction that has befallen many an Englishmen in Scottish Football... arrogance and an underestimation of the game's quality up here! The tragic hat has overseen a conveyer belt of lower English league dross come through the doors at Ibrox and the big question now is why the gullible hordes never managed to click that something wasn't right before tonight's result. For what will be the umpteenth time, let's tell them what went wrong!
Sevco are made up of free transfers and journeymen and that is a simple fact! No team in Scotland are winning the league with poor footballers like Josh Windass, Matt Crooks, James Tavernier, Martyn Waghorn or Andy Halliday! Yes guys of that calibre would be enough to secure promotion from the Scottish Championship and some did, but the gap between that league and the Premiership is so vast it would have taken a complete overhaul of the playing squad to even finish second, not to mention the removal of a manager who is so out of his depth he'd need a pair of water wings just to sit in the baby pool. Mark Warburton has been idolized and turned into something he is not by a delusional support so starved of heroes it has to create pretend ones to idolize. What's that saying about false Gods again? Ah yes don't worship them.
There was never going to be a title challenge from Sevco this year. Wishful thinking combined with sevconian stupidity meant that it was easy to believe the opposite. Egged on by the odious James Traynor, the SMSM sculpted a narrative that had the hordes clamouring for season tickets to chase a dream that was never going to be realised., As much as we laugh at joke journalists like Keith Jackson, we also owe them a debt of gratitude. For as long as they remain inventing the news we will remain the top dogs in Scotland and the sevconians will keep inventing their heroes. Hearts didn't end Sevco's title challenge tonight... There never was one in the first place!
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