Saturday, 14 January 2017

Brendan Rodgers To Hire An Authorized Lookalike?

There is a great scene from a season 13 episode of "The Simpsons" that our manager should take a look at. In "The Bart Wants What It Wants" Homer has taken Rainier Wolfecastle into Moe's Tavern to introduce him to the bar's regulars. Due to Rainier's star power the regulars go crazy and begin asking him all sorts of stupid questions.

"After they shoot your movies who gets the leftover film?"

"Is it true that if I kill you I become you?"

Almost immediately big Rainier gets a tad peeved off at such stupidity that he decides to leave and send in his authorized lookalike, who introduces himself as Chuck. Rainiers lookalike is paid to stand and answer the types of questions that only idiots ask. Why? Because Rainier has heard these daft questions before and simply cannot be bothered to hang around and answer them. Watching the episode today really made me think of our gaffer and I decided to write this blog when I saw the following headline centred on a Brendan quote:

"I'm Happy At Celts"

How many times has Brendan Rodgers been asked questions about leaving Celtic? They were even doing it on the day he was paraded for goodness sake! It's becoming incredibly boring and if that's what some on the outisde think just imagine how it must feel for our manager. Amazingly the league BR apparently pines for is the English Premier League. Well guess what, he's been there done that and sorry to say but it's just not that good! Why don't they ever ask the man whether he fancies a crack at La Liga? Or a stint in Germany? Why is it always the EPL? It's tempting to chalk it up to arrogance alone but there seems to be more at stake here.

For the Scottish media to re-live the days of a side at Ibrox ruling the roost their must be major upheaval at Celtic Park. We are talking cataclysmic proportions here. Yet they are actively willing something like this to happen and by constantly asking the man whether he fancies exiting the club they are keeping it fresh in people's minds. Must be nice for the zombies who can sit with their 9-in a row video and a copy of the latest "Brendan's Exit" piece shedding a solitary tear and wearing a t-shirt with the words "someday" splashed across the front. Setting an agenda doesn't even begin to cover it and these Level 5 hacks can chuck as many pennies in the well for their one wish all they like. Brendan is going nowhere soon and they will just have to deal with it! 

Maybe our manager should follow the idea of Rainier Wolfecastle and hire his own authorized lookalike to ensure he avoids these cretins and their transparent agenda. He's like this massive shadow over Scottish Football who is rightly recognised as being by far and away the biggest star of the show. Brendan has it all doesn't he? God help them if the man does stay for ten in a row. Oh and all evidence points to the fact he will and when the time comes they will still be rolling out the stories linking him with jobs down South and praying for the day he shows them and their beloved sevco some mercy. 

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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